Friday, September 7, 2007

Well, the weekend is here the TV is bad and I need to find some DVDs to watch. Any suggestions? I prefer TV series with decent plotlines....


Psychokiwi666 said...

Can't go past Battlestar Galactica, but I'm guessing you already watch that...


Romantic Heretic said...

I'll recommend Babylon 5.

Season 1 might take a bit to get through. It's mostly to set the stage.

Seasons 2 through 4 absolutely rock! I got so caught up in the story and characters that it was the last time I made a point of being in front of the tube when the show came on.

Season 5 was tying up loose ends and setting the stage for the next series. Which, unfortunately didn't get off the ground.

Seriously, best fiction that's ever been on television, in my opinion.

If you want something very interesting in non-fiction try The Day The Universe Changed by James Burke.

It's an absolutely fascinating history series that traces unlikely threads of events. Such as how French revolutionary soldiers obsession with gambling led to modern health care.

Either will give you many hours of enjoyment.

Dayna_Hart said...

I'm morbid, so my rec's are Dead Like Me (which is dark humour at its best imo)
If you can find American GOthic on DVD somewhere (let me know!) That show was cool and creepy. Pre Twin Peaks, I think, but waycooler.
If you haven't yet, the DVDs of the Jim Henson Hour are well worth the watch, though there's no overreaching story arc.
*sigh* I wanna watch DVDs now...

veinglory said...

Yep I think I am up to date on BG. I saw a lot of B5 at the time but got put off buyiong the DVDs because they are expensive and as you say, the first series is slow.

But I did getB5 'the lost tales' which is B5 but, hot damn, has Peter Woodward in it doing his technomage thing. I think that man is totally hot.

I also got the first series of Dexter.

I've also seen most of Dead Like Me, but only heard of American Gothic. I must see if I can find it.