Monday, April 9, 2007

REVIEWS: The TBR pile [top 10]

Fairy Godlover by Devi Sparks*
Brighid's Quest by PC Cast
Running Dry by M Christian
Reason to Beleive by Jessica Inclan
Muse by Leigh Ellwood
Pulling Strings by Jules Jones
True Grit by Charles Portis
Dark Horses and Black Beauties by Melissa Hollbrook Pierson
Dark Designs by Rob Graham
Vrolock by Nolene-Patricia Dougan

[* reading now]

I just went to visit Mrs. Giggles and the blog is down. I am already feeling the withdrawal symptoms and impending panic. [Edited to Add] Oh no, it may be perminent!

1 comment:

Angela's Designs said...

I never read the blog much, but I do look through the reviews.

I wish I read that much.