Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Today is the second week anniversary of my cold. Yay. Fourteen solid days and nights of excess phlegm. I know it is also nights as my cough wakes me up every half hour or so for a status check. (Yep, still sick.) Add to that I am working this weekend and staying several nights in a hotel. Hotel air conditioning usual upsets my sinuses anyway--and they aren't too sanguine to begin with this time.

That said during my shower I actual swear I heard Drin's voice. Yep, my characters are haunting me. Sure, Drin is at least a ghost character but I think it's the thin edge of the wedge. Time to give that guy some exercise (exorcise?) and finish 'Lover of Ghosts'. besides, I had two very nice emails this week from readers of 'Father of Dragons', and that should be motivation enough.


Psychokiwi666 said...

Sorry to hear you're so crook. I just had a six-week cold recently, but did eventually recover. It's amazing how many different colours of phelgm there are...

And you can add my support to Father of Dragons - it's my bedtime reading at the moment and I'm over halfway through - a couple of pages a night - and I am enjoying it despite it not being one of my favourite genres (was never a big fantasy fan). (And I'm not even just saying that to be nice either! :-)

Hang in there!

veinglory said...

Do you know how long it has been since I heard someone say the word "crook" in that context ;)

Psychokiwi666 said...

Sounds like you're due a trip home :-)

Fiona Glass said...

LOL on the characters taking over although I'm glad to find it's not just me. Worst case scenario is when you type a scene where one character hands another a cup of coffee, and find yourself stretching out your hand to take it.

That worried me. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to leave such a random comment, but your guestbook isn't working, and I just wanted to say how very much I enjoyed your Sherlock Holmes short story! I found it in my bookmarks folder without any recollection as to how it got there... and I can only say I'm sorry I didn't find it sooner. An excellent and touching short story, thank you! I especially liked your explanation of why Holmes kept the shilling on his chain, and that from an Adler fan! :D

veinglory said...

Wow, it's been a while since I thought about those stories. I must check I still have them all posted for people who might be looking for them :)